Married!! again...
I was asked to do a bridal fair with my brother, Peg..mhmm a little gross but, they had no other models so was left up to "US". wheehoo
everything was good, other than the times when we had to stand arm in arm, smiling at the folks who walked by saying "Congradulations!" with little cheesey grins..bahh. I never thought the day would come when my 20th or so-husband would be my own little brother. Thank you Jesus anyways.
On the better side...
Mika's here at the moment, and we just finished making our home made Tortillas, (yum) with a little bit of confusion & a messy kitchen. BUT! We're both hoping that they will be quickly devoured by the little hungry children, with great satysfacation. Weeee hee hee. We're such great cooks, tsk...other than the time when Mika took our grossness made up of flour, sugar...flour (ahh, I don't remember what was in it, Mika help...) and plopped it into a pan as a cake for a very special someone on his birthday! Wether he enjoyed it or not, much less even took a bite, I don't know but...we tried!!!
Mika, you're reading this, I know it!! But I do love you, and so I am also taking part of the blame. heh, you're my favorite cooking partner! let's be cooking partners for life (GRINS)
yes! cha! we made a mess! a mess! and we made a big mess! ahahahahah! oh well! they turned out disgusting btw! ahahahha! love love you! yes lets do that again sometime!
My looove, you've made a blog! sweeeet.
Ahahaha, Mika... you and your cooking! whatever happened to that, pie (???)..hee hee. Sounds pretty darn exciting.
Anyhow, I love you cha...and so cool to hear you talking like this again! hee hee. Man I miss you!!!! MWAH!!!
yeah, me and my cooking, btw my pie burned but everyone said it was good sooo I guess that means I am a good cook! ahahahah wahoo!
oh btw are you talking about the flour pudding i made? hey that was miled, you should have seen the one that dawn and I threw away, now that one was made outta corn starch, and some other weirdness, and we had to quickly throw it way before someone caught us, so dawn cleaned the sink while I started making more..(why she pick me to make more I dunno seeing how the other stuff turned out! ahahah!) but Lilly came to the rescue! yeah! YOU'ER MY HERO!! ahaha
ehem, oh yeah and if cha and I ever make you a cake for your birthday, I don't think you want to be in the kitchen for that! cuz you never know what we are gonna be putting into it, ahah cha post the photo of our cake for Mari! love you
I love you Cha!
MIKA, that is horrible! Sounds like you don't know WHAT you're doing. You should AT LEAST, TRY to follow a cook book. Sounds like you're just going by what you WANT in the cake, but not COMON SENSE!!!! LOL...
boy you're so silly!!
oh, now now Mika...shh. you're a great cook and you know it. :D
aww greg! looking good! ahahah! and yeah, well we follow a basics but after that hehehe
ahahaha..aww miks you're too cool!!
Hehehe must learn cooking from you guys. our cooking rocks, but it tastes like sprat. the first time i made jello it turned out like rubber.
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