Saturday, March 11, 2006

Breakfast in bed..

I woke up on the 8th of March, sometime around 9:00..and my hubby was standing there with an adorable smile on his face, looking just so damn cute; holding a pink tray with a plate of breakfast on it. (which he had made himself for me...ooh yum!) giving me a morning's kiss (me & my morning breath! uck..) & the sweetest "Happy Anniversary my Love" awww..

my heart melted....

and THAT was my 'first' breakfast in bed...wheeew I felt darn special! makes me wanna grab him and pull him into my bed, cuddle him & place kisses all over his adorable face for atleast a good 20 minutes...or more. (*grins*) the rest is none of your buisness:p HEEEEH....

i'm lucky, Joe's amazing...and that's just about all I have to say for now!! i'm off to dream of him...oyasumi!


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