Friday, April 07, 2006

the delicious taste of ice-cream melts in my mouth..

I savor the taste...

ooh yummmyy..God, thank you for making ice-cream! it's so good for our tummies!:D

I've sinned, must go to confession (Father Joey), I am put on this thingie where I am not suposed to eat snacks or sweet things, only on Tuesday am I alowed to (ahh it's terrible I know! but it's good for me!! lily should know!! hee) is not tuesday!! but but, it's Angie's byebye's legal! I swear it is..:D:D


Blogger Xact Claims Services said...

that's a nice rule. I like it..

12:51 PM  
Blogger Masaya Rider said...

Man... that's so sad cha... Arn't you grumpy without ice-cream?
Lils is nuts as well... Gosh! I could never do something like that. heehee.

10:03 PM  
Blogger Mika said...

yeah cha! Joey is crazy! don't listen to the devil! ahahah! its blind love! wahoo! but my love for you is real, and I say Ice-cream is in!! ahaha! muwah

3:10 AM  
Blogger Chacha said...

ahh masa, mika..stop! ahh it's too much for me! haha..
yes..I am grumpy! I find myself touching it, just itching to put it in my mouth!! whaahaabwaaa..

5:12 AM  
Blogger sakana said...

Hahaha! No icecream for you? Poor you. chokoleto mo dame desuka? :D

9:23 PM  
Blogger Mika said...

ehem cha, God didn't make Ice-cream,

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes He did! Or at least He's fine if she enjoys i...
It's not so good for you though.

2:38 AM  

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