Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
i will blab..
today I drank milk..MILK! at my English students place...not that serving milk is a funny thing, but more to the fact that i really don't like the taste of milk and I drank it.
I feel more healthy...:D
yay for me!
Christmas is far away...and then yet so close. i'm off "Snowflakes"...after three..four? years..will miss dancing with you Cherri! i'm being brave and starting my own team! yay. pray for me? should be fun, new, exciting, and all the rest. oooh can't wait:)
AND. the AIP camp is coming up..and we're suposed to bring...gowns?? harr har...whaaaaat!!! my mom and I went searching for somethen and couldn't find anything! bah! I hate dressing up all
is there anything against being nekkid??? heeeeh??
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
the trip was great, maybe will post some pics later, that you all can click on and seeeee:p since it seems to be a problem for most of you.:p nyah, glad to see you wanting to see my pics:p snicker. joke.
anyhow, I will try to look into it to see what the heck is wrong with this darn thing. hope you guys have had a wonderful summer. prayers and more..
until later..
Sunday, August 06, 2006
this is be the last post i'll be posting for about...two weeks. I'm off to Kyushu in the morning with my family, gunna drive to Kobe, take ferry from there, then drive some more!! exciting.... sigh.
hope each and every one of you have a really fun summer vac:) i'll post of my visit when I get back...until then, I shall vanish. heh.
miss me...
haaaa, big kidding.
love you all tons!! until two weeks! shee yoouuuu....

loving you....
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Every Girl's a Princess

~Every girl is pretty
Every girl is fair
Ever girl’s a princess
Every girl out there
Every girl is sexy~
Every girl is one-of-a-kind
Every girl is a beauty
Anywhere you’ll find
~Every girl is special
Every girl is cute
Every girl is God’s
Yes, that means you too
One day God had a very special plan.
He was going to make a woman. But not just a “woman”, he was going to create a princess.
After spending a lot of very precious time in sculpting His new creation, He sent her down as a gift to a very lonely man.
This man was very happy…& although sometimes she would get him into trouble, he loved her with his heart. Nothing could stop him from loving this very special princess whom God had given him.
God saw that it was good, and from then on began making plans on placing more little princess’ in the world.
“If every single man in the whole world began to see every woman as someone special, and beautiful, even through their blemishes & mistakes, they’d see that in every single woman out there, there is a princess inside.”
-Author unknown-
(now now boys...every girl is beautiful...remember that!! kee hee hee)
(compliments to my baby sister, who was willing to let me do her make-up and snap photos of her. Arigato ne tomo chan!! mata yarooo! giggle. the frames are a little bit screwed, I am learning how to use Photoshop....ouch. any compliments are more then appreciated & welcomed.)
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
A little bit of fun in the people jumping off rocks..don't we look funny! heeeheee..

wild boys...

at the end of the day, we were ALL sunburnt. how's that for an ending of a reeeally fun day. :) "sun sun sun sun watch out for the sun..." laa laaa. hehe, we forgot the sun lotion..ops...
it was a really perfect day for swimming at the beach tho, thank the Lord that it wasn't too sunny orlese we would have been really burnt hot dogs!! ouch...
had lots of fun, hope to go there again sometime...
wish it didn't have to end.
we went to the beach...awwwwwwww!!
will post pictures later. as of now, i am dead tired, my eyes are almost sleeping on me;) heee..
Baby, i miss you, hurry back're so wonderful. I love you..

One moment in complete silence
Is all I need of you
To make me feel so wonderful
Not feeling oh so blue
One smile from those lips
Is all I need from you
To paint a smile on my face
And bring me all the way through
One touch from your finger tips
Is all I need to feel
To make me feel so beautiful
To know that this is real
One beat of your heart
Is just enough for me
To trust that you are where you are
And always loving me