Sunday, May 28, 2006

..I am now offcially, "Popaloo"hahahahaha..I strange. Joe gives me the strangest names. first it was Kitty, then it changed to Popo, now it's..Popaloo.. romantic huh!? heeeheee...I don't exactly know how the "Popo" (uh huh, it's poopoo, but we spell it popo:p)stuff started, i think it came from when we were watching an old video of me, when i was this FAT gross thing...but what does that have to do with Popo?? aahh oh well..that's what makes me special, i'm named differently from all the rest! hahaha..ok ok, enough..

i am seriously touched by Mika's newest update on her blog...I know Jesus loves me..He blessed me with the sweetest little bunny anyone could ask for...
Mika I LOVE YOU!!!!
always know

Friday, May 26, 2006

Learn to Control Your Emotions; Not Your Emotions Control You

i've been batteling the fact that I am a very emotional, sensitive, and proud person. and it's very wrong of me,....I received a few prophecies about it, and one of them, the Lord showed me to post it on here...kinda put my problems out on the table and not hide them from all of's so very humbling, and I wish I didn't have to, but "obey" right? lol. (i've never been good with prophecies, so that is another humbling step to post it here!!) so here it is, and now that it's here, if you've read or gunna read it, you'll know now that I am SUCH a mess, so pleasseee..this is something I need your guys' help on, here's my problem...please put it on your prayer list and don't miss to pray for me...pwease. I need it...
thanks so much guys....


Emotions are not bad, they are not something you should feel bad about having, because every human experiences emotion. It’s all a part of life.
But there is a time when emotions are carried on a little too long then they should, to where it becomes a weapon more then a feeling. There are the right kinds of emotions, and then there are the bad ones. Ones that urge you on to shout, be proud, get sensitive and much more along those lines. Through emotions, the enemy finds ways to get into your armor. Through your emotions, he can get you to use them the wrong way; that’s when your emotions become dangerous. Did you ever think emotions were an easy way for the enemy to enter in? Well they are, and it’s very real. When you are emotional, it is much easier for you to be hardened, to go along with things, go against them, hate things, people, lie, shout, etc,. It is an easy way for the enemy to sneak in and whisper in your ear. You are not a child anymore, you are grown up now, but just because I say that, does not mean you have fully matured in the spirit. I see you growing, I see you changing, but in this one area, you have not. You have become lazy and tired, tired of trying to get over it. You feel that it’s no use, it’s just the way you are and is life—you must learn to control your emotions, instead of your emotions controlling you. It’s a very big difference, to be in control of your emotions, and when your emotions control you. You must learn the difference, so that when the time comes, you can know where you stand. It is the day and hour to stand up and stop sitting in the gutters and letting your own self get you down. It’s not good to be swept up in your emotions, especially when they are being used by the enemy. And I gotta tell you, you “know” when the enemy is using your emotions against you and others, because it is clearly written in your tone of voice, your eyes, your speech, your actions—everywhere! How could you just let the enemy use your emotions like that? It’s like soidlers in the battle field, letting their enemies use their weapons. It’s very dangerous and it’s very important to know when it happens. You’re driven by emotions at times like that, but really think…who is behind those emotions? Is it Me? Or the enemy? I’m sure you can tell which it is, it’s easy to tell who is behind them. But one tricky thing, that the enemy always uses during those times, is “how”. Say your friend has done something against you, and you get those emotions running hot through your blood. You think, “is this the Lord? Or the enemy?” but you feel that because someone has wronged you, it is not wrong if you feel upset and frusterated. You feel that, in this situation, you have a reason to be upset!! “He was the one who started it, it’s his fault!! Blame him, I have a right to act the way I am!” tricky huh…do you think that is really Me whispering in your ear to think that way? Really take time to ponder on that…it’s important to really know who holds the strings…
The enemy is a tricky and sly liar, and he will find anything possible to make it look like it’s not bad, and try to cover it up with a good topping, to make you think that it’s not him speaking, but it’s Me. Don’t let him deceive you into thinking that way, it’s wrong and it will lead you into a lot of problems. Certain emotions are meant to be there, but others aren’t…and that is the time for you to stand up and fight them. Don’t just sit there and say that, “well it’s a human weakness, go on right ahead and fill me up with emotions!!” don’t just expect it to walk all over you and everything will be okay. Stand up, fight, push them away; show the enemy that you know exactly who is behind it, and admit to yourself that YOU let him in. It’s not only the enemy, My child, YOU are also a part of one can walk into a house unless someone behind it opens it. You see? You are also a part of why these emotions come, and why the enemy gets in and uses them. You need to start to realize that you are not a little child anymore, and you can’t just expect to throw a fit and blame in on the overseer who just wasn’t watching you properly. It’s “you”. No one else, “you” are the one who opens your channel up to let the enemy come in a control your emotions. Watch that it doesn’t happen…catch yourself when you feel that it’s getting too far. Or even better, but harder, is catch yourself when you are tempted to even feel emotional.
Don’t feel bad if you fall…but when you do fall, don’t be too proud to let others help you up. Don’t be too proud to admit it was really “you” who saw it coming, and allowed it to happen. Change takes time, and change comes slowly, but call on the spirit helper of Change, and he will come to your aid and whisper in your ear when you feel tempted to push away the change that is needed in your life.
I love you, darling, please don’t feel that you are one big mistake, everyone has problems. You just need to learn to get up and fight them, not let them walk all over you.
Remember, control your emotions, don’t let them control you.
You can do it. I’ll be right there to help you, don’t be too proud to call for Me, I want to help you. I love you.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Some more dad wanted to go to the beach to take some photos for his new "assignment" he was given on the "photographers" site, so I decided to go along with him. didn't get a good sunset, but...I got what I could:p

I love thunder..then again I don't. Something about it holds so much power, it's scary, yet wonderful..get me? can be perfect for a sexy-romantic setting in the park with your guy..or scary when you're alone in the dark..interesting. I personaly hate thunder unless I am with someone, my mind off what is going on outside.
Usualy when I think of "thunder" the picture that comes to my mind is people in the lounge room, playing chess on the little glass table with others lying on the floor playing some other board games..OR..the typical kissing and touching all over with your guy while the rain comes pouring down and the lighting flashes and thunder booms in the distance...aah, romantic? hee hee.:p
It's been thundering for the past couple hours now, and finaaally rain came pouring down..was kinda expecting that.

on another topic...

I am starting belly-dancing, got some videos..soooo..wish me luck!! I dunno, I've always loved belly-dancing, ballet, etc,. love the erotic look, moves, everything! finalllly I get some videos..yay!!:)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

arrrghhh...why is it then you're having fun, time goes fast and when you're SO bored, it crawls?! :( tick tock tick tock...
Was looking through my old pics in my photo album, and came across these...I love pictures, such good ways of keeping old memories and being sentimental!!:) I laughed when I saw these...I mean...look!! we've come a long way..whew. Baby, I love you gorgeous...

hee hee, pretty funny...I remember those days..
The camp..*rolling eyes*, I was soo shy to talk to Joe.. then that gathering, Florence, you should remember. hahaha, she had to find ways to put us together for longer then just a couple minutes...we were so shyyyy..*spank* fiiinally we went for a walk...all cheers to Florence!!;) haha..where would we have been without you luv...

now look at us..*ehem*... BYE

Sunday, May 21, 2006


my parents and the youngest are off to Kysuhu to visit with my obachian, which means, me left with all the little kiddos..niceee...
:( snif. oh well. should be fun..hee hee. wish me luck;) FUN:p hee hee heeee..i'll be a cinderella for a few days...whaaa, where's Mika when I need her..maaan.
the kids found a little baby bird somewhere in the back yard..of course, they bring it in and beg me to let them keep it and take care of it,, was the cutest little thing, all green with a little yellow beak, poor thing was chirping for help because his foot had been bashed..or something. poor little thing is going to make his home here for now:)

Friday, May 19, 2006



Kiss on the hand - I adore you.

Kiss on the cheek - I just want to be friends.

Kiss on the chin - You are cute!

Kiss on the neck - I want you.

Kiss on the lips - I love you.

Kiss on the ears - Let's have some fun.

Kiss anywhere else - You're the best.

I LOVE Kisses...don't you!?:) hee hee hee...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

is it just me, or does everyone scratch themselves when dancing?! whaa..haha. it seems that everytime I dance, I end up cutting myself somewhere! wether it be my arms or stomach or back...*sigh*..whaaa it's not funny!! it's so sad!!..I dunno how I do it. lol.


i feel like a bum. been inside for soooo long because of the rain. we can't see love hut because we are BOTH on quarantine for two weeks...for possibilities of maybe carrying chicken pox!! it's terrible!!:( sniff..

oh well, I will be a happy girl for Jesus anyways:p forgive my boring posts. but I love you guys sooo much and more xxx

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Don't sweat the small stuff...

today I was reading through this book, "Don't sweat the small stuff", and it was all about how in life there are SO many litttle troubles and problems and tests and things that just bug us. And we always get so down by them, and we worry over them and make a big deal over it, when really, they are so small and minor, that if we could just try to not let them affect us, we would find ourselves living a better life, without so much stress and so many problems and worries.
I thought about it, and I realized that I do exactly what it says in that book. I worry over almost, everything! most of them, I see now, are so small! I complain because I think that my life is just one big mess and I am just full of bad luck, and it really discourages me and gets me down. I sweat the small stuff. Something I need to change,..I need to ask myself, "Will this bother me in a year from now?" which the answer will be, no!!!:p lol. I learned a lesson today...
Jesus, please help me to not let the little troubles in life get me down, and stop me from doing my best each day. Help me to not sweat the small stuff. Amen.
hallelujah?? hee hee. pls pray for me.

Monday, May 15, 2006

uh's reached me.:p lol. uhhh well, I won't tag anyone because everyone who i know..HAS BEEN TAGED! soo...don't be mad.

but, here goes...

JOEY!: (of course!! hee hee) my wonderful, amazing, hot hot, adorable baby...Joey understands me, and helps me through the many battels I go through. Although I am a very stubborn, proud,..BAKA person, he's so patient with me and keeps hanging on through it all. i've never met a more perfect person than Joe, and I do believe that "I" have been made the most luckiest person alive on this earth!;) He makes me feel loved, protected, cared for. He says i'm beautiful, he says i'm funny, he sees past my faults and loves me for who I am. it's now into the 4th year, and i don't know what he sees in me, but he sees something...whatever it is, I thank him for seeing something good among so much bad,. thank you Baby!! I screw up so many times, and I fall short of many things, but yet you keep loving me the way you do..thank you!!!!! I don't deserve to have someone as amazing as you. He's a good dancer, singer, artist, cook, martial artist, handy man, good with kids, funny, sweet, sexy, and oh so so much more!! I love you Baby!!! you're the BEST!! xxxx

Mika chan!!: my one and only teddy bear, you'll always have a place in my heart that no one can take! you're sweet and kind, and although you sometimes have your moods, you always are a REAL great friend!! you're one of the funnest to hang around, and even though I see you all the time, each time I see you, I feel like.."ALRIGHT THAT'S IT, it's Mika and Cha time" heh. you're really special Miks. you're a good childcare person, you cook GREAT!;) you help me out when I need someone to talk to and you're the only person I can actualy really relax with and enjoy the most stupid things and find them funny, when I am around you!!...and so much more!! buddies forever?? yay! love you girl...

Joan Joan Joan..: cute and charming. and I miss you!! Joan is an ooold friend of mine, and is still kept special in my heart and circle of friends. She's such an angel, we are both Aquarious' so we understand each other in a lot of things! (right Joan?!?!) she's sweet, caring, funny, warm,..the list could go on and on. I feel special when I am with her, and wish that someday I can see her again! japan or mexico...take your pick Hun!;) hee hee. aishitemasu yo!!

Joy: I have NEVER met Joy, and yet I still feel as though I have known her for ever!! I admire Joy for being a mommy, for being a wife, for being a friend. she's one great person, and i'll always admire her. I love her, and one day i'm gunna be a mommy too, go join her in motherhood!:) gambate ne Joy!

Lixy: my older sister who is more of a BEST friend to me, than a sister. She's always been there to teach me, to help me grow. She gives me good council about many things, and I know sometimes when we lived together, I would think her as a pain in the ass, but really, all she was doing was trying to watch out for me and help me learn. I've never known a better sister than her, and I am thankful for having been placed in the same family...and she's coming HOME!! yay!!!

Tom: we ALWAYS argue, you always get me so annoyed that I just wanna hang up on you,..but just wanting to know that although we don't get along with each other, you've been a help in different things, given me good adivce and listened when I needed someone to talk to. thanks.

Rachy: one of my bestest friends..someone who I miss like hell..someone who I pray for every day...she's a miricle. I don't know what connects us both, maybe it's the stupidness..maybe it's something else. Whatever it is, Rachy has always been thee best person I have ever known. She was the one that made witnessing so thrilling for me, she made me get out of myself and run around Parco Square chasing after people to get them saved. She believed in me, she encouraged me to keep hanging on. she wrote me beautiful prophecies and prayed for me...cried for me...Rachie thinks she's too skinny, she thinks she is not beautiful, she thinks she is nothing compared to all those "hot, perfect" people out there. but I dissagree. To me, Rachy is a precious gem, she's beautiful. In my eyes, she is my star in the night sky, she's not like other people, she is an individual who shines past any "hot" "perfect" person. Her soul and heart is beautiful and I admire her for who she is and what she has done in my life. I'll always think of her as the most blessed thing God created, i'll pray for her, think of her, love her, miss her, until all earth fades away. I love you babie.

Cherish: i'm her walrus, she's my rider!! lol!! we both go back a looong ways, she was my BEST friend back then, we got along SO well, we argued and faught, yeah, but always came back to apologizing to each other. I loved her, and still do!! She is a bright, cheery, bubbly, positive, fun person. She always has a smile on her adorable face. She's a wonderful dancer and teacher. She's two weeks and four days older than me, hee hee, something we will NEVER forget!;) (you know what I mean Cherri! haha) hugs, kisses, love, prayers, and more...

there's more..but I will stop here. but I LOVE YOU ALL!:) prayers and kisses...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

More photos...of what I like to call photography:p hee hee. they are somewhat strange, I was experimenting...ever the fun thing to do =0! I haven't changed any of them, speaking of lighting here...

speak your minds!

my youngest sister, Angelina Ai

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Aaaaah yessss! finally the day i've waited for, for soooo long!!:) Jesus is so good to me:D
please pray for everything to work out smoothly...the visa, paperwork etc,.!
Aaaaaaahh i'm so happy...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Lake of Dreams...

Baby was telling me today of all the things he wanted to do in the future, his dreams and goals. Such as, finish school,..marry me (awww!! I do! I do!!)..have children..etc,. It made me feel all happy inside, (hee hee) because I felt/feel the same.
Everyone has dreams, everyone wants to reach certain goals in their life, and some times they never reach them and sometimes they's all up the big Papa in heaven. And I know that when we sleep, we are all closing our eyes and drifting into an ocean where we are placed inside a boat and told to go venture the waters, and once in, we never wanna get out. But we all know that one day we'll be pulled out of that world, and open our eyes to the morning sun...*sigh*...our dreams remain yet another longing in our basket of desire.
One day..when i'm older, when Joe is older...maybe our dreams will come true or maybe they won''s all a mystery. But until we find out, i'll keep closing my eyes at night and filling up my basket with more wishes. Until then, we'll keep sailing on the lake of dreams..

You're beautiful baby, i love you...

a tree house and childhood memories

I was thinking today, while I was outside at the park with joe, laying on our backs and looking up into the sky, about childhood. (because we were both talking about our past when we were small kids. joe has pretty cute stories..*wink* hee hee) I asked joe what kind of picture "childhood" put in his mind when he would think about it. And he told me that he thought of playing in the park with his friends, making things with his daddy, and getting dirty. cute! to me, childhood brings a picture of a tree house. I don't know why, but when I think about small children and their daily lives, I think of tree houses. A little place where they can escape to and be alone in their thoughts. A place to share their deepest secrets with their friends, and laugh and play. I've never had a tree house before, much less ever been in one! It's sad, sometimes I wish I had a place to go to, to put all my thoughts into one little spot where they couldn't escape. A place where I could run to when I felt alone and sad, a place to be alone from the world, from the noisy daily life...and I know that one day, when I have my own babies, I am going build a tree house for them, a place for them to make their own memories, that one day, when they grow up, they can look back on those childhood memories and remember of all the different things that have happened there.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

something I received in my mail box this morning from my dad, thot you would like it, since I did.:)

There once was a man named George Thomas, pastor in a small New England town. One Easter Sunday morning he came to the Church carrying a rusty, bent, old bird cage, and set it by the pulpit. Eyebrows were raised and, as if in response, Pastor Thomas began to speak..."I was walking through town yesterday when I saw a young boy coming toward me swinging this bird cage. On the bottom of the cage were three little wild birds, shivering with cold and fright. I stopped the lad and asked, "What you got there, son?"
"Just some old birds," came the reply.
"What are you gonna do with them?" I asked
"Take 'em home and have fun with 'em," he answered. "I'm gonna tease 'em and pull out their feathers to make 'em fight. I'm gonna have a real good time."
"But you'll get tired of those birds sooner or later. What will you do?"
"Oh, I got some cats," said the little boy "They like birds. I'll take 'em to them."
The pastor was silent for a moment. "How much do you want for those birds, son?"
"Huh?? !!! Why, you don't want them birds, mister. They're just plain old field birds. They don't sing. They ain't even pretty!"
"How much?" the pastor asked again.
The boy sized up the pastor as if he were crazy and said, "$10?"
The pastor reached in his pocket and took out a ten dollar bill. He placed it in the boy's hand. In a flash, the boy was gone.
The pastor picked up the cage and gently carried it to the end of the alley where there was a tree and a grassy spot. Setting the cage down, he opened the door, and by softly tapping the bars persuaded the birds out, setting them free.
Well, that explained the empty bird cage on the pulpit, and then the pastor began to tell this story.
One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting. "Yes, sir, I just caught the world full of people down there. Set me a trap, used bait I knew they couldn't resist. Got 'em all!"
"What are you going to do with them?" Jesus asked.
Satan replied, "Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them how to marry and divorce each other, how to hate and abuse each other, how to drink and smoke and curse. I'm gonna teach them how to invent guns and bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun!"
"And what will you do when you get done with them?" Jesus asked. "Oh, I'll kill 'em," Satan glared proudly. "How much do you want for them?" Jesus asked.
"Oh, you don't want those people. They ain't no good. Why, you'll take them and they'll just hate you. They'll spit on you, curse you and kill you. You don't want those people!!"
"How much?" He asked again.
Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, "All your blood, tears and your life."
Jesus said, "DONE!"
Then He paid the price.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Congradulations Joy!

Deryk Orion

I love you love you love you.
Many warm wishes and many prayers sent your way!!
Come see me soon, or I see you!! xxxx oooo

i'll come join you in motherhood soon, I promise! hee hee, JOEY!!!!!!! *giggle*

"A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on." I agree!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

i'm not one to ramble on and on, which is why I usualy don't post much of my mind on here..sad, I know. i'm not sure wether to say that it's because I am an Aquarious or not, people think differently. some say we're loud and like to talk, others say we are quiet and more of the 'shy' type. Jesus knows...we are all different, but I am one who likes to listen more than talk, sooo...adds it all up in just about that;)
ooohh well..I thot I would post a few poems that my wonderful lovey took the time to write for me!! sweet, I know!! he says he's not one for poetry, but I think diferently. read, see for yourself. but don't steal, all his love words are to me. hee hee.

For you, I'd do anything, for You I can Fly!
For you, I'd give everything, and never fuss or cry!
For you, I'd do anything, even drain the oceans dry!
For you, I'd give everything, and never wonder why!
Baby I can never write poems beautiful or rare,
But to you I truly wish, to show you that I care,
Please know, that you mean so very much to me,
and in my heart forever you will always be!
I know I am so ready to say to you "I do"
Because Baby, truly, I really do Love "You"!
-I Love You-

Baby I know In my heart I do not deserve You

You Can some how always make my Sky SO Blue
You reached inside of my life and made it new!
Oh why you keep me I do not know
but where ever you are I will always go
And to you, my Love I will Forever Show!
Without you I don't know where I would be
I wish the whole world could really see
how Amazing You truly do Love Me!

makes my heart melt everytime I read it! it's funny how the smallest things in life, bring out the most beauty. I know whoever is reading this is rolling their eyes and scratching their heads, (I am not forcing you to read my blog!) but just thot I would let you all know that Joe is the most amazing thing in the whole world, to him I owe my life;) (tho Jesus you come first.)
i loooove him! *grins*

i'm done now. AISHITEMASU MINASAN! xxxxx

it's me! er...*cough cough*...

mm, I not sure where I found this pic, or why it's even on this computer! it must be the Lord;)
me & Edward, whoever this little man is...wherever you are out there in the big wide world...i'm sure I enjoyed those wonderful walks on the shoreline together, holding hands...being, fat...

hee hee

ahh those precious moments, when we all were so....simple & sweet:)

Monday, May 01, 2006


the dress code was back in the 60's...or somethen around then...anyways.


joe & the ladies

the birthday girl was given the choice of picking the three top best dressed...which were Joey, Mari, and Ivan.;)

Thus...the clothing:D

the party was great!! lots of fun. it all went well, thanks to JESUS!! everyone had a blast and many good laughs out of the halarious costumes, which took a while to search for!! I had all the boys in my room, digging through my closet and pulling out my bell-bottoms and tight shirts, etc,. wheehoo!
Me and Joe made tortillas...yes yes, they were SO YUMMY:p (hahaha much for our tortillas huh?..just was the wrong recipie!! my fault! *hides*)
ahhhh I miss I miss!!..
all to say, it was a great time, miss it, love you all...and see you!!! xxx