My Teddy Bear, Forever!

"Whenever I am lonely
She always comes along
Dances to some music
Sings a silly song
And when I want to color
She just wants to draw
So instead of doing either
We do nothing at all
We talk about nonsense
Do each other’s hair
Paint each other’s toenails
Sit around on chairs
We argue over nonsense
Fight over food too
But whenever we’re so gloomy
We can make the sky so blue
She’s my favorite cooking partner
My cutest baby-doll
Bestest purikura partner
And really fun to call
I’m really glad I know her
Glad that she loves me
As long as we’re together
We’ll always be a team. :)"

"Whenever I am lonely
She always comes along
Dances to some music
Sings a silly song
And when I want to color
She just wants to draw
So instead of doing either
We do nothing at all
We talk about nonsense
Do each other’s hair
Paint each other’s toenails
Sit around on chairs
We argue over nonsense
Fight over food too
But whenever we’re so gloomy
We can make the sky so blue
She’s my favorite cooking partner
My cutest baby-doll
Bestest purikura partner
And really fun to call
I’m really glad I know her
Glad that she loves me
As long as we’re together
We’ll always be a team. :)"
mika don't be mad at me..oh please oh please!! you know I love you! *giggle*
ahaha, that poem is sooo true! Purikura, phone call, toe nails, music, dancing, sitting around just... "chillin" hee hee. Mika I miss ya! But forgot her flirting!!!!!
heee heeeeeee
aww sweet cha, i am touched! can I post it on my blog to? ahaha I love you!(and because I love you so much I forgive you for posting such a...funny looking photo of me! ahah oh yeah speeking of fighting over food, didn't were tell Joe that we never fight? ahahahah!
shh secret! *giggle*
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