Sunday, July 02, 2006

Another Prayer Request..

hi!...?:D heeeeeeheee, just wanted to ask prayer from all of you guys, for my skin. it's reeeeally sensitive to alot of things, (whaaaaaaaaaa) and I am not exactly sure what it is, but there are little bumps on my back, and a couple on my stomach and leg...sooooooo...we're going by faith and not going to a doctor, but we went to a drug store and got a guy to examine it, and he supposes it's something to do with the heat sensitive skin..not so sure what he said in detail but yeah..gave me some cream which drys it up..and its helping, so just please pray that it goes away. SPANKS!!! you know your prayers are always appreciated, and always work!:)

please keep Lixy's PCOS in your prayers as well. Arigato ne!! mucho love! xxx


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