it's time to pass the peace pipe:p
Summer has come,...yippee and bummer! neeeheee...the other day, we all got our first mosquitoe bites.. CHO YADA data yo! we were all sitting in the dinning room, passing around the Kinkan, relieving our ichyness dotted all over our legs and arms.
where would we be without Kinkan? I dunno...:D
today we went swimming for the first time this year! i felt so funny in a bikini, felt so..nekid! well, swimming has just begun so I have more bikini time ahead of me. lol. thank you Jesus for summer, thank you for the beautiful girls that walk around with cute clothes, and the ice-creams and the juices and the pools!!!
You are so strange cha! thats why I love you (oh hey can you send me a photo of lixy and me? please?
KINKAN!!!!!!!!!!! where would you be with out it!??! YOU'D BE LIVING IN ... IN....HORRID LAND! arrrghh!! I MISS THAT STUUUUUUFF!
Joanie, they don't have Kinkan in Mexico???? what do you guys do then?! so sad!!
whats kinkan? i only heard of kurukuru
kurukuru?? kinkan is.....Isamu!! nani sore! haha
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