it was SUCH a perrty sky!!
the sunset was soooooo gorgeous, aww. I wanted to snap some shots, but wasn't able to go outside cause I had the kids to oversee. so I had to take it from the window.. whaaaa. this is not what i call photography at "all", the lines made me so sad! pout. this is kinda where being down in Kyushu comes in handy! nyaha..oh well, the sky was too pretty, i had to save these anyways and post em! nye

It was like the sky was on fire...aaaahh cho kirei data yo!
Mmmm that is beautiful, I wish I were there with you to enjoy it!
No Cha I wish I was there to enjoy it with you. together we will make such a good team. Me and You together forever
Hahaha, I read that comment by Anonymous and I Just LAUGHED!!! Hahahaha!!!
allllriiight...the truth is exposed. MIKA!! you're a bad bad bad girl, and Joe will spank your bottom!
Baby, mika wrote that. she's bad no? nyahaha..MIKAA!!
sawwwwyyy i couldn't help it
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