Friday, July 21, 2006

another lesson...

I was so out of it that I don't even remember how it started or what exactly happened. but I do know that I was arguing with my dad because I thought I was right and he was wrong, when he was correcting me. You know how it is? Perhaps they have their ideas a little mixed up and you feel that they don't really need to blow up about it because it wasn't really your fault, or it wasn't such a big deal. So you argue. and then it becomes a huge thing and eventualy, you and your elders and shouting at each other and not getting anywhere. anyways, so that is what kinda happened today...and so I was given a reading list and I also received a prophecy about it. I'm not gunna post it all, since it was rather...looong. heh..ouch. but yeah, I wanted to post a few parts from it. maybe it'll help some of of you..someone out there! haha. I love you tons guys, please continue to keep me in your prayers...I need so much help! heeeheee. amen...

Taking correction

Just say yes. Yes to Jesus, yes to your elders, and yes to your parents.
It’s a very dangerous thing to give in to those emotions, because they are the main device the enemy likes to use often in those situations. He makes you feel as though your elder is just being too harsh, or is judging from his point of view, but not really the correct one, etc,. The lessons begin to fade away because you become so sure that you are the right one and he is the wrong one. That’s when it’s gets a little out of hand; because whether your elder is completely correct or not, he is trying to help you and get you back on track. Now, whether he is too harsh, or too strict, or whatever the case may be, you still are the child and you are still the one who is in need of help and needs to just stop, push back your emotions, and listen and take it all in with a whole, godly spirit about it all. Perhaps maybe you may be right in certain areas…but, after a while, once you have pushed your ideas and argued and let your emotions spill all over, it doesn’t even matter anymore when you were a little right. Now, you have proved yourself to be wrong. Completely. No argument. By giving in to those little thoughts, those little emotions of sensitivity and pride, you are showing that you do need help, and that you are wrong. Do you see where I am at?
Whether it’s not completely right or not, it’s still coming from your elders and you need to open up your heart and spirit to it. They are here to help you, to make sure that you are brought up in a good godly manor, and the fact that you blow up at them for correcting you, is very, very wrong.
It’s hard at times to really see that you are wrong because the enemy likes to cover it up by his little toppings. He tells you things like, “You didn’t really mean it, and so, he’s just wrong.” Or, “He’s acting up over nothing! No big deal!” and deep inside you, you begin to feel that perhaps you are not all that wrong. And usually when you start to feel that, you start to see the other person as wrong. And that is when you need to really get desperate and pray. The enemy likes to cheat you into letting the small things pass, so that sooner or later, the once small things are now huge and it’s blurring your sight. And once that happens, it’s going to be very hard for the person who is correcting you to get through to you without raising his voice and in return, you doing the same.
It really doesn’t matter if you think they are wrong and you are right, just hold back those feelings, and take the correction. Whether you like it or not, whether you feel that they are misjudging you, you just gotta push the enemy away and give him no room to put his nose in. It’s a hard battle and I know how easy it is for you to give in to those feelings because you are human and you make mistakes. But I know you know deep inside your heart when you are wrong. All that is holding you back from admitting it is your pride. You just need to push it aside just for one moment, and accept it with an open spirit and an open mind and heart. Even if it hurts your pride, even if it makes you want to shout so loud, just hold back your pride and let the Lord take control of the situation. You can learn so much more if you just hold back your emotions and take correction. Remember? Correction is good for you, and even though it may hurt at first, in the end you’ll be thankful for it and you’ll be much happier instead of arguing and pushing until both of you are miserable and the whole house is miserable and you just grow more hardened and upset at the whole situation. You’ll learn that with patience and an open spirit, you’ll be able to get the victory much easier and you’ll learn so much more from it all. Amen?
I know you can do it; all you have to do is make an effort to try. How about making an effort to do your best in that certain area this week? It may seem tough, but it’s really very easy if you just learn to fight the enemy and humble yourself. I’m cheering for you, we all are up here. And the Lord is very proud of you, He knows you can make it and will make it; if you just give it all you’ve got and do your best. We’re with you all the way, keep running the race; don’t stop just because you keep falling over the stones that come across your path. Keep getting back up, so then pretty soon, you’ll be able to jump over them with great ease.

amen. it really spoke to me, and I also got alot from the word as well. It's really important to put away my pride because pride is the biggest obstacle, and it causes the most problems. And like my hubby told me..."one second at a time, one minute at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time, and one year at a if you just take every second at a will over come the long years, just one second at a time."I know it's going to take a while for me to learn, but I know that with each baby step, I will one day make it and be a better person for it all. I know I am not the only one out here on this boat, so I am definately praying for those who are going through the same thing. Learning is good, correction is good. Heeehee.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome. I've actaully got the sam problem and the praphecy was real good for me. Thanks for posting this stuff. It's great and it helps allot of people I'm sure.

7:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAITT!! this isn't the post you said I would like is it? well anyway yeah I love you

2:42 AM  
Blogger Chacha said...

Mika be quiet! have patience man..

Nobs..haha, i'm glad it helped you. I guess that's the real benifit in sharing prophecy huh? heehee, thank you Jesus..

5:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. That was a heavy prophecy. It's a sign of humility when you can let the Lord shoot straight with you, then to top it off share the counsel with others. I needed that.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww Baby, I'm always SO Proud of you and the way you get back up and hit those problems in the.."Where-it-hurts!" ;) That's my girl!! See why I am so lucky?! hehehe! I Love you so much Baby!! I Love YOU!!!!

5:08 AM  

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