My Really Wonderful Morning!:D
Yesterday we had three little girls over for a homestay. They'll be staying for about four days, sooo we have to watch em.
Today's morning we woke up, fed em breakfast then I took em for word time. That's four little girls and one boy. After trying to find five picture Bibles so that the kids wouldn't tear the books apart, then reading Bible stories to them, I got out some coloring pages and they were happy for..a good thirty mins.. yessss! then since it being my papi's birthday, I got them to make a colorful chain to stick up in the dinning room. the kids wanted balloons so I took em all out to the nearby store with my younger sister along to help me, and two little girls wouldn't stop giving me heart attacks by running like wild cave men into the streets and being deaf to my really really reeeally loud shouts. we reached the store, they didn't have ballons...baka! and so the kids ran off to the play section while I searched for a present for my paps. found something. a couple things. yay. then chased the kids around the food section, trying to snatch stolen snacks from their little hands, tsk.. gave away all my ten yens..bought them umaibos then went back home. home:D! to where I gave em lunch, and got them to be quiet for a few minutes. theeeeen..ooh yes it gets better! nyahaha. Lixy mixes up a nice little cookie batter for the girls, so I wash their hands--a couple times. you know kids..they can't stop touching dirty things;) heee. so the girls make little balls and put it on a tray...they are so happy, and I am happy too. now we can go for a little quiet time!!:D:D but they're not done their mischeif...
Willy decides to be a boy and start teasing the girls, whoops, there goes the tray of cookies,..all on to the floor. I really wanted to cry. whaaaa..the girls go crazy about the now smashed cookies, so I tell them to go wash their hands, we'll remake them!!
they are soo happy.
this time I get out cookie cutters, so this time, the kids actualy make some nice shapped cookies..and I can sit back and relax.:) they make the cookies, i put em in the oven...we run off to wash our hands, and now they are happily whispering while they draw pictures of little princess'. hurrah! but this is only just the morning, we still have an afternoon to go through..nooooooooo. ahh..give me patience Lord..snif..
don't you just looooove kids??
Today's morning we woke up, fed em breakfast then I took em for word time. That's four little girls and one boy. After trying to find five picture Bibles so that the kids wouldn't tear the books apart, then reading Bible stories to them, I got out some coloring pages and they were happy for..a good thirty mins.. yessss! then since it being my papi's birthday, I got them to make a colorful chain to stick up in the dinning room. the kids wanted balloons so I took em all out to the nearby store with my younger sister along to help me, and two little girls wouldn't stop giving me heart attacks by running like wild cave men into the streets and being deaf to my really really reeeally loud shouts. we reached the store, they didn't have ballons...baka! and so the kids ran off to the play section while I searched for a present for my paps. found something. a couple things. yay. then chased the kids around the food section, trying to snatch stolen snacks from their little hands, tsk.. gave away all my ten yens..bought them umaibos then went back home. home:D! to where I gave em lunch, and got them to be quiet for a few minutes. theeeeen..ooh yes it gets better! nyahaha. Lixy mixes up a nice little cookie batter for the girls, so I wash their hands--a couple times. you know kids..they can't stop touching dirty things;) heee. so the girls make little balls and put it on a tray...they are so happy, and I am happy too. now we can go for a little quiet time!!:D:D but they're not done their mischeif...

Willy decides to be a boy and start teasing the girls, whoops, there goes the tray of cookies,..all on to the floor. I really wanted to cry. whaaaa..the girls go crazy about the now smashed cookies, so I tell them to go wash their hands, we'll remake them!!

this time I get out cookie cutters, so this time, the kids actualy make some nice shapped cookies..and I can sit back and relax.:) they make the cookies, i put em in the oven...we run off to wash our hands, and now they are happily whispering while they draw pictures of little princess'. hurrah! but this is only just the morning, we still have an afternoon to go through..nooooooooo. ahh..give me patience Lord..snif..
don't you just looooove kids??
whoa...quite a day. Kinda like when I take care of my yunger brothers. But yeah kids are fun to hang around, sometimes....heeheehee...
Awwww Baby your such a Mommy!! (KISS!!) I swear I would have gone mad with the bunch!! though they are cute kids ;) Haha, Awww, such a tiring day for you I bet! Get to bed and dream of me, hehe! I Love You!!!
P.S. Man, Hehe I know our kids will have THEE best Mom* EVER!!!!!!!! (*YOU!!) ;) (Kiss!!)
I Love You Cutie!!!!
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